The pics are interesting. Not something I could do to someone I loved though. As Cynnie says a silk tie and a spanking are much more my style ;o) as long as I am doing the spanking that is!!!
Sick Sunday came about after myself and 4 Dinners posted some stuff to WFT Friday that caused offence to some. I decided to create a place for the more perverse items that might not fit WTF Friday's intent. Email me if you want posting rights.
See, I have nothing against a little bondage, but theres always someone who has to take it too far....
her tits must hang to the floor once they're unbound..
whatever happened to a few silk ties and some smacks on the ass?
The pics are interesting. Not something I could do to someone I loved though. As Cynnie says a silk tie and a spanking are much more my style ;o) as long as I am doing the spanking that is!!!
Bloody hell!!! You could play rugby with em!!!!
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